Sedona Soulfire

Sedona is a present-day priestess who offers her work in the rich realms of ritual, community circle, cyclical magic, art, movement, and dance.
She shares weekly dance classes, sacred movement workshops and ritual embodiment retreats internationally and locally in Portland, Oregon, USA. In addition to live events, she offers online resources through her website and online global dance studio Datura Online. As an ordained minister and ritual priestess, she holds community ceremony and circle. As a performing artist, she shares her own synthesis of eastern dance expression.
Sedona has been immersed in dance and performing arts her entire life. For the last two decades, she has had a special focus on eastern dance, yogic traditions, and spiritually-centered embodiment. She is a graduate of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, has been initiated on the priestess path through The 13 Moon Mystery School and studied, performed and taught yoga and sacred dance extensively across the globe. She is the founding member of The Goddess Temple Tribe and producer of the annual Wild Woman NW women’s empowerment festival.
She offers all of her work in honor and celebration of the beauty, magic, and connectedness of life itself.
Learn more about Sedona and her work at