Christina DeHoff

Christina DeHoff

Christina DeHoff has many facets as an artist. A clear and recognizable theme of soulfulness runs through fer figurative visionary paintings and her landscape paintings. One can feel the presence…

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Barry Stevens

Barry Stevens

Barry Stevens had a fascination with geometry, colour and all forms of art from a young age and has been designing and painting mandalas all his adult life. His long-term…

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Hillary Wilson

Hillary Wilson

Hillary was raised in North Carolina by an endlessly supportive, adventure-loving family who encouraged every creative and educational pursuit she put her mind to. She received a master’s degree in…

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Pablo Romero

Pablo Romero graduated from the CEV Madrid and the Art School of Huelva. A professional photographer for over twenty years, he worked in social photography, advertising, industrial laboratory digital and…

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Karin Roberts

Karin Roberts

Karin Roberts was born in Adelaide, Australia, and is now based on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. She is passionate about animals, spirit animals, mental health, spirituality, metaphysical phenomena, sacred…

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Gilbert Williams

Gilbert Williams

Gilbert Williams is a world-renowned visionary artist. He began exploring the connection between the spirits, nature and ancient architecture in the early 1970s and continued to sell his work for…

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Jane Starr Weils

Jane Starr Weils

Jane Starr Weils grew up in New Hampshire, USA, and as a child she was always running off to the enchantment of the woods. There she explored the magical world…

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Davea Skye

Daeva Skye

Daeva’s background in music has been in both traditional and classical styles which he has played from an early age. A sensitive and inspiring musician, he plays guitar, celtic harp,…

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Laila Savolainen

Laila Savolainen

“As a child I wanted to stay home to draw, paint, write stories and create. As an adult, I’m blessed to be able to do that every day!” — Laila…

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Cheryl Yambrach Rose

Cheryl Yambrach Rose

Cheryl Yambrach Rose is a visionary artist, portrait painter, author, and contactee. She paints in oils on linen in a synthesis of the Old Master style and her unique technique…

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