Ravynne Phelan

Born in 1969, Australian alchemist artist and author, Ravynne Michele Phelan, a.k.a. Michele-lee Phelan, came to her artistic career in her early thirties after being diagnosed with depression, for which…

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Claudia Olivos

Claudia Olivos, BA, BFA, MFA, is a painter whose works vary from abstract to surrealism and everywhere in between. Her unique approach explores human consciousness and experience as it relates…

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Helena Nelson-Reed

Helena Nelson-Reed is a visionary artist whose primary medium is watercolour. Born in Seattle, Washington, USA, she was raised in Marin County and Napa Valley, California, and today lives in…

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Shiloh Sophia McCloud

Shiloh Sophia McCloud has dedicated the past seventeen years of her life to the study and practice of art as a spiritual discipline as well as to helping equip women…

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Jane Marin

Jane Marin is a talented Australian artist/healer and life coach who came from England with her parents and younger brother in 1970 at the age of seven. She lives with…

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Jimmy Manton

Jimmy Manton is an illustrator and animator based In Melbourne, Australia. As an illustrator, he specialises in commercial art, digital art and painting. Jimmy is a lifetime Sci-Fi and fantasy…

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Izzy Ivy

Izzy Ivy

Izzy Ivy’s otherworldly artwork shines with her vivid experience of Spirit and other realms. She accesses elevated states through meditation and dance. When moving in free flow, she can traverse…

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Zeng Hao

Zeng Hao is the Vice President of the Chinese Buddhist Artists Association. He is a pioneer of oriental spiritual paintings, especially based upon divine feminine themes. His works have been…

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Maxine Gadd

Maxine Gadd’s talent was apparent as soon as she could hold a crayon. At just eleven years old she sold her first painting. Her highly developed creative talent eventually allowed…

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Selina Fenech

Selina Fenech

Selina Fenech has always pursued a magical life. Her head is constantly filled with dreams of fantasy, romance, enchantment, and adventure, and she has expressed those visions in her paintings…

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